Our team is intentional. We are mindful of the energy we bring into every care experience, from office visits, to home visits, to birth in the intimate spaces of your home. We commit to taking care of ourselves so that we can be present to support you. When we enter your space, we respect and honor the privilege of being part of your journey, and leave behind our ego. This is heart-centered midwifery. 

What our clients have to say about working with birth roots community midwifery

"My partner and I transferred to midwife care very late into our pregnancy - we were almost 36 weeks. While we were thrilled to make the transition from a traditional hospital birth to a birth center birth, being so late into our pregnancy, we were worried that we would have a difficult time making a connection with our new care provider (Corinne). As soon as we met Corinne, we automatically clicked! Their warm and welcoming approach truly made us feel as if we had been their clients since day 1 of our pregnancy. Corinne was extremely helpful in answering all my questions and presented us with all of our options for decision making. Corinne made it a point to always tell us that we were in the driver seat and that they wanted us to practice informed consent...this was SO important to us. 

"Corinne made me feel validated and seen."

Coté was exactly what I needed for my pregnancy and birth. This was my third home birth and I knew I needed emotional support to dive deeply into this experience. I chose her holistic package because I knew checking in with her and setting time aside to reflect on the pregnancy and birth would be priceless. I also know that the magic that happens at birth with a doula is bolstered when you feel more connected with each other. 

The prenatal holistic sessions were so grounding and relaxing. I came to them emotionally exhausted and left refreshed. Coté and I would talk about what was going on for me and then we would have a mediation and reiki session. These sessions were so special to connect with Coté, my body, and my baby. She helped me receive deep insights into what my pregnancy was bringing up for me and areas I could open up to greater healing. 

Coté supported my birth plan in a such a beautiful and sensitive way. I almost chickened out sharing it with my midwives because it felt so vulnerable. I texted her about it and she called me right back to reassure me. I know I wouldn't have had the birth I wanted without her support. I'm so happy that we were able to avoid certain interventions that are common with the practice I used. 

My birth didn't go as planned (as many don't!) but the connection I had made with Coté, her confidence in me, and her trust in the universe spared me trauma. It is that simple. 

The closing ceremony was a beautiful bookend to our work together. It was a way to physically and spiritually integrate the birth. Birth is a teacher and Coté helped me recognize and appreciate all of its lessons.

"Birth is a teacher and Coté helped me recognize and appreciate all of its lessons."

"Thank you for guiding me through one of the most empowering experiences of my life. Thank you for practicing trauma-informed touch. Thank you for helping me center when I was yelling in pain. Thank you for calling me a badass when I channeled that energy to push…While giving birth was the most trying thing I’ve ever done, I’m immensely proud that I stayed present…the reality I stayed present for was a healing one…Being vulnerable and experiencing pain that hurt but wasn’t harmful, that it had purpose and power completely rewired my brain!"

"Thank you for practicing trauma-informed touch."

We first met Coté while taking her immersive childbirth class. We immediately felt connected to her warm, cozy spirit and inspired by her perspective on the birth process. Coté treats birth as sacred, centers the intuition of women/the womb, and empowers parents to stay true to themselves and connected to each other throughout.

After this class, we decided to begin the Holistic Birth package with her. Coté took time to get to know us, share her expansive wisdom about birth, and thoroughly respond to all of our questions and concerns. She opened her beautiful home to us, which is a sanctuary of plants, feminine divine art, and healing energy. She was available via text or phone at all hours. Coté went above and beyond. When we were overcome with the stress of being 10 days past our due date, she stopped by to reassure us and remind us to stay true to our goals for the birth. 

The Holistic Birth package was amazing for us. It gave us the space and time that we needed to understand the birth process, and connect with our spirit and the transformative energy of birth. Coté made us feel comfortable being vulnerable with ourselves. Utilizing many techniques -- including chanting, sound healing, and intuitive massage -- she opened our hearts to be present to the changes that were unfolding in our lives as we prepared for our little one. She helped us to connect more fully and transfer more love to our little one. We could go on... 

On the day that Ziggy arrived, Coté was such a reassuring person to have in the room. By this point, she felt like family to us & we were so grateful to have her there to remind us of helpful positions and provide words of encouragement. She also took precious photos!! Coté is a powerful healer & teacher. We would recommend her services to anyone looking for strength, guidance, and connection throughout their birth journey. 

"Coté treats birth
as sacred"

"Even 5 months later I am still in awe of how easily they read me and knew what I needed to best support me. Whether that was loving affirmations when I doubted myself, or gentle physical touch to ground me. They guided me through the most sacred portal of birth. Their care didn’t stop once I had Rosie like most providers would. Corinne accompanied me to the ER, and selflessly offered to stay with my baby while I received care, and even provided us with donor milk while I was away from Rosie. Over the course of several days Corinne came back to check on me physically with labs and seeing where I was at mentally. She always came with open ears and a nice warm hug. 

"I have never felt so empowered, safe, and loved before in my life."

Our experience with Coté as our doula for our second baby is proof that the Universe delivers exactly what you need, when you need it. Our arrangement with Coté was holistic labor package. I had worked a lot to heal after an intense birth for my first baby that was not at all what I had hoped for (induction for a vaginal birth at 41 weeks 4 days, 27 hour labor, 3.5 hours of pushing + epidural) - this time I wanted different and Coté respected and honored that desire in me. We worked with Coté to design a plan that allowed for my wishes (natural unmedicated birth) to manifest but also knowing that we cannot also plan the unexpected. We felt good about it. Leading up to the due date, we worked together to spin my breech baby, and just surrender into the baby's plan to arrive through Coté's incredible prenatal holistic healing sessions. Coté is gifted in guiding others to utilize Mother Earth to progress on their journey. On exactly 41 weeks, Coté guided my husband and I into laboring as much as possible at home ... and we had the most empowering birth at the hospital! After pulling up to the hospital, our baby boy was in our arms only 24 minutes later. It was an utterly exhilarating and empowering labor experience we couldn't have possibly imagined. Coté also performed an incredible postpartum healing that included traditional practices that helped bring true conscious closing to my birthing journey. I am so grateful to have Coté as a spiritual co-voyager that reminds us to surrender into the Universe and Mother Earth for guidance and true healing. After the birth of my second son and with the help of Coté, I see and love the true goddess that resides within me and that led me to bring two beautiful boys Earthside into our family. I will forever be grateful to Coté for everything she did for me and our family.

I am so grateful to have Coté as a spiritual co-voyager


The cornerstone of Birth Roots is client-centered, empowered decision-making. Whether in fertility support, reproductive health, or birth, our team supports client autonomy. We strive to be partners in our clients’ reproductive health and birth journeys, as we recognize that our clients are the true experts in their own health and lives. We offer ourselves as a resource for the clients that choose to work with us, providing information regarding evidence and our experience, while our clients benefit from the opportunity to make birth and wellness plans that place them and their families at the center. 

Birth Roots Means Empowered Decision-Making